Getting Started With FireJournal Lite

For those of you who are new to FireJournal LITE, getting some foundation about the app, how it is intended to be used, and how it will evolve may be useful. This application is designed to get you comfortable using … Read More

Improving Station Routines…

Some of the questions we get regarding FireJournal involve the act of writing journal entries. “Can I ditch my hand-written journal for yours?” is a common question. We’re on the case, believe me! At the same time, our team tends … Read More

New Version 1.1 of FireJournal LITE Released

We’re pleased to announce that a maintenance release of FireJournal has been released. This new version fixes two small bugs, and updates the new user registration process. Overall, as our users have told us, the application is solid, and there … Read More

Create an NFIRS Data Set with FireJournal

One of the nice things about using FireJournal is its ability to organize your data into the primary format required by the National Fire Incident Reporting System, or NFIRS. NFIRS is used by most fire departments, including the upload and … Read More

Gov Alerts Capability Included in Apple’s iOS 6

Apple continues to listen to customers, and the latest release of iOS 6 is a solid reminder that the fruit company is committed to government and first responders. Actually, this goes way beyond first responders, and the now included “Government … Read More

Modeling Future Disaster Readiness is Closer Than You Know.

 It’s been nearly 11 years since the tragedy of 9/11 in New York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon. In that time, remarkable work has been done relative to counter terrorism. But we’re still in the midst of evolution relative to the … Read More

The Free and the Fee

We’ve begun our initial Beta Testing for the first release of Command Journal. This version will be a FREE edition, available via the app store in iTunes. We’re really excited to get this new edition into your hands ASAP, but … Read More

The Importance of Simulations

In the 1960s, structure fires were a common occurrence in large urban cities. As a result of evolution of the fire code, technology, and fire suppression tactics, fires are no longer the daily part of many firefighters lives. In Los … Read More

Getting Started with ICS 100

FEMA offers a series of online courses in Incident Command. If you’re in the fire or emergency services business, you’ve probably already completed a series of ICS education programs. If you’re new to ICS, then get ready to rev up … Read More

ICS Origins

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-61" title="ICS-promo-banner" src=" c20 cialis.jpg” alt=”” width=”696″ height=”250″ /> The issue of incident management is one that continues to evolve. In the early 1970s, a number of significant wildfires in Southern California proved challenging to the point of … Read More