Gov Alerts Capability Included in Apple’s iOS 6

Apple continues to listen to customers, and the latest release of iOS 6 is a solid reminder that the fruit company is committed to government and first responders. Actually, this goes way beyond first responders, and the now included “Government … Read More

Are Fire Departments Ready to ShakeOut

  On October 18, at 1018hrs, millions of people around the world (in their respective time zones) will “drop, cover, and hold on.” They will get under their desk, under a table, or crouch next to their chair or bench … Read More

Key Uses for the iPad in Emergency Services

Typically, when speaking about emergency services and mobile computing, the discussion quickly turns to ePCR software, or CAD, or ICS. The fact of the matter however, is that mobile apps can serve first responders in a number of ways, and … Read More

The New iOS 6 May Boost Your Productivity

As Apple’s latest mobile operating system is downloaded by millions, understanding why this is a good thing is a reasonable question to ask. Some people are of the opinion that if Apple updated everyone to a blank screen with zero … Read More

Security Updates for iOS 6 Are Relevant to the Fire Service

One of the biggest benefits for users of iOS 6 devices is security. Because of the hardware identity implemented for every iOS device, as well as the identity of each software app delivered, malware and other hacks, while possible, are … Read More

How Important is EHR for EMS?

As more EMS agencies begin to adapt to Electronic Health Records (EHR) and to comply with new laws, policies and regulations, the how, why and when are taking center stage. Agencies that provide ambulance service specifically are eager to see … Read More

Is the iPad a Professional Quality Device?

Important question: Is the Apple iPad a professional quality (use) device? Many people believe Apple has turned their attention to the consumer market. As such, the iPhone and the iPad could be considered consumer products, and any use in the … Read More

Type 3 Incident Management Teams and Technology

In August 2003, the US Fire Administration created a focus group that included fire and emergency services officers and experts (nationwide) to discuss and determine how to best implement Type 3 Incident Management Teams (IMTs). The focus group agreed to … Read More

Social Media Day

For anyone interested in learning to what extent social media may prove important, your day is coming. On June 30, 2012, <a href="http://mashable cialis 5mg filmtabletten” target=”_blank”>Social Media Day will be celebrated all over the world. Events, presentations, mashups, … Read More

Is Social Media Good for Fire Companies?

There’s no doubt that the use of social media for public relations and public distribution of information is a powerful tool. It’s a tool that a city government or first responders can use to their benefit. Evacuations, weather or traffic … Read More