Survey Results for Firefighters and Tablets

Our latest survey results are in… Every 90 days, we offer first responders the opportunity to share their interests and demonstrate how they are using technology. This is very important for our team, as we learn more each calendar quarter about the needs and interests of the fire service.

We ask questions about where you work – large or small community, rural or urban, and the types of responses your agency handles. We ask about technology and how its used. And, we ask about interests. If you’re interested in our current survey, you can take it now.

Fall 2013 Firefighter Survey

As for the feedback from our recent survey, here are some of the more interesting results:

362 people took the most recent survey. 310 were firefighters, and of those, 290 were officers. The remainder of those who took the survey (qualified) were paramedics.

65% work for career departments.

35% work for volunteer or combined department.

Only 40% offer a combination of ALS/BLS EMS services.

Only 38% operate their own dispatch center.

100% manage or maintain some form of company or personal accountability journal. And 95% write those journals using pen and paper.

88% follow NFPA standards.

80% upload to NFIRS.

77% claim to utilize ICS protocol, but only 35% have taken courses beyond ICS 200.

We’ll share more in an upcoming post, but this gives you an idea about the information we’re learning from, and how we’re working to develop appropriate solutions for first responders. Remember, if you want to participate in a survey, click here.

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Picture of Michael Monroe

Michael Monroe

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