Apple Announces New iOS 7 Operating System


Apple has introduced a new version of its iOS operating environment. Designed for iPad, iPhone, and iPod, the new OS is vastly different in some ways, while demonstrating a carefully designed interface evolution.

A number of changes mean creating productivity for anyone using these devices, and in particular, users within emergency services are going to find some terrific benefits to the new OS.

For developers, there are a number of changes in the way iOS 7 functions, and this means several important modifications in how applications will be developed and marketed. Many of the functions within iOS 7 are quite different than in earlier operating environments. That means that while many apps created for iOS 5 or 6 will run on iOS 7, those developing using the new iOS 7 capabilities will not function on earlier versions of the Apple mobile operating system.

During the coming weeks, we’ll cover a number of the individual upgrades and modifications to the new OS.

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Michael Monroe

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