A New Personal Journal Option is Available

We’ve added a new personal journal to Fire Journal. As an active member of the fire service, you’re likely to experience things that are memorable, for any number of reasons. Your fire department will likely require you to track, report, and manage data for every incident.

As a firefighter, there are things you need to work through on your own. That’s why we’ve created a personal journal that is private – nobody other than you will have access to it. As you work through the issues that confront every firefighter, now you’ll be able to do so with confidence. There are always things we think about that are best not shared with the department. Personal feelings are essential to every life experience, and as a first responder, tracking those feelings over time will prove to be essential to your career.

You will still have the ability to create journal entries that you do share. You may also update the categories that you select over time. Throughout the process, you remain in control over what you share.

Download Fire Journal today – for FREE. Try out the new personal journal. Tell us what you think? Remember, we’re developing and supporting Fire Journal for you – so your input is what will drive tomorrow’s development process.

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Gary Picket

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