Why Accountability Matters

Every fire department is being tasked with increased accountability. Not only does this relate to the time a Fire Chief and his administrative team spend on documentation, but it adds additional work at the station level. Fire officers are spending more time writing things down. Often, journals are still on paper. Even when using a computer for tracking, the ability to manage time and effort effectively is both time consuming and frustrating.

One of the first things you’ll notice when using Fire Journal is the ease of use relative to adding data. Because Fire Journal has been designed to help you add content into not only defined categories, but also utilizing tags, it offers you maximum flexibility. As an example, you may need to create entries for training, but you can also add tags for specific members, activities, locations, or anything you might think of. This means that at a top level, the entry may be categorized as a “members” activity, but you may then add tags like “joe smith,” or “SCBA drill.” That way, over time, when you review members entries, you can drill down in more detail – searching for all of the member activities related to firefighter joe smith (as one example).

When you utilize Fire Journal Cloud!, you’ll be able to create even more content, and export in formats that make sense for reporting, national standards, and inclusion in larger scale documents, such as standards of cover or after action reports.

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Gary Picket

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