Great Comments: Improvements for FireJournal™

A big shout out to the fire officers from across the U.S. (and a few in international space, too) that have been sharing their thoughts on improvements to FireJournal™. The entire version 1.X version is designed to be used, enjoyed, and established as a baseline for wide ranging expansion in the future.

The most comment request is: “can we integrate this into our CAD?”

Computer Aided Dispatch software related to FireJournal™

The answer is a “conditional” yes. PureCommand has spoken with multiple CAD vendors, and the ability to create an API that links FireJournal™ to a CAD system is relatively easy. In addition, multiple CAD vendors have their own API’s as well as other methods of linking CAD data to third party software solutions. The trick is that a fire department needs to provide permission to do this, and we are currently offering the “individual” PRO version of FireJournal™. When an enterprise version is announced in the mid-term, that’s when fire departments will want to create a linked relationship with FireJournal™.

What is CAD? Computer Aided Dispatch is often referred to as CAD, and refers to the software used to dispatch emergency responders to an incident.

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Gary Picket

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