Great Things Happening in 2016 with PureCommand

Happy New Year! On behalf of the entire team at PureCommand, we hope the coming year is filled with good adventures, safe outcomes, and terrific personal and professional growth.

We’ve never been so busy, and there are a lot of really great things in store for our users. Just to give you a brief snapshot of what’s in store (we can’t say too much yet), check out our roadmap:

New Multi-Tasking Version — We’ll release a version of FireJournal™ that has been updated to work nicely with the iPad Pro and the iPad Air3. This new updated will give you the ability (especially on the new iPad devices) to work in multi-tasking mode. Have both FireJournal™ and ESRI maps open. Or your CAD or ePCR software open. Get more done, and improve incident outcomes and reporting.

FireJournal Connect — This is one of the most exciting things about using FireJournal™. FireJournal Connect is an online management tool that takes FireJournal™ into another dimension. Once you secure a subscription to CommandCloud, you’ll be able to create form-perfect PDF documents based on the forms you’re using, upload directly to NFIRS (if you have an active account), generate reports on your journal entries, incidents, and prevention activities, and much more. To learn more about CommandCloud, check out the initial comments in the website. We’ll have more details in the early Spring. CommandCloud is worth waiting for – and it will make your station management the best thing out there. Oh, it’s very easy to use as well. NOTE: The initial release of CommandCloud is integrated into iCloud from Apple. As such, your data is completely secure. All of your photos, notes, and other data is securely stored in your personal iCloud account. To learn more about iCloud, click here.

Dashboard of fire service software CommandCloud

New Forms — As the year progresses, we’ll be adding a suite of new forms. These will include NIMS forms, NFIRS forms, NFPA Forms, as well as some custom forms designed to help you manage your fire station more effectively. For forms that need to conform to NFPA, NIMS, or NFIRS formatting, FireJournal Connect will provide the perfect output. Managing data will be easier and more effective than ever before.

Enterprise Edition — In the summer, we’ll announce details of our new Enterprise Edition of FireJournal™. This version will utilize the cloud-based database environment of Azure, from Microsoft, as opposed to the personal database infrastructure provided by iCloud. The Enterprise Edition will enable a department to utilize FireJournal™ in all fire stations, with master control, distribution, and access managed by the department. In addition, important new capabilities will be made available, including the ability to create groups and track data in near real-time. If you’re a Battalion Chief, you’ll be able to create a group of your entire battalion. Track and manage the data from each fire station under your command. Those are just a few of the very cool and useful capabilities that will be included in the Enterprise Edition.

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Picture of Gary Picket

Gary Picket

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