New Update – Version 1.30

The latest version of FireJournal™, the ideal fire station management solution, was just uploaded to the app store. It is a significant evolution and we hope you enjoy using it. Thanks to input from firefighters (you, our customers), we’ve implemented some modifications to the forms section of the app. Now, getting a form started is a faster process, with the essential address, location, and starter data being populated once you trigger a new inspection form.

Additional modifications permit you to create a specific crew and to save that crew, so when you are visiting multiple homes or businesses, you just need to click on “default crew” and another step in the data entry process is eliminated. You can change your crew at any time, including with each new shift. Save your fave crew and/or add them to tags.

We’ve also stomped out some small bugs. Think of them as spot fires. Extinguished.

Remember, FireJournal™ now includes a set of forms that previously required an initial app purchase. Effective with release 1.30, the app is free, including the basic set of forms. As we release additional forms and functionality, those may be purchased via an in-app purchase process. We’ll release additional information on this in the fall.

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Picture of Michael Monroe

Michael Monroe

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