Using FireJournal™ – Task tips

The task section within FireJournal™ has been designed to help you take care of daily or shift-related activities right in the app. There’s no need to purchase a separate app. And, in this case, you may add individuals to any action item, note the location, add a comment, tag, or location.

So, what kinds of tasks are useful for FireJournal™?

There are the obvious tasks, including shopping for food, supplies, or other list-based activities. Then, there are some not-so-obvious tasks. For example, you might wish to create a weekly apparatus check-list, ensuring your rig is in top notch shape – and without having to lift a pencil to get it done.

If your fire company participates in fire prevention, you can create a list of streets, activities, and responsibilities for various members. As those things are accomplished, check them off the list.

Have an in-house rookie? Track each rookie drill and use the results to help you with performance evaluations.

There are many ways to use the tasks capabilities within FireJournal™. We’ll continue to listen to your input and make certain that the tasks functions continue to evolve as well.

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Gary Picket

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