Online Training Helps With Fire Prevention Readiness

A new opportunity for fire professionals and volunteers to improve their fire prevention readiness was launched this week. The Online Training Program Helps Fire and Emergency Services Engage Multicultural Communities Partnering For Prevention, was developed by nonprofit FIRE 20/20.

The real opportunity is to create a better prepared community. Several national research studies executed by FIRE 20/20 demonstrate that multicultural community leaders want to be more involved in community safety initiatives, but are seldom asked by their local fire departments.

The educational series teaches fire and emergency services personnel (both career and volunteer) how to effectively engage their communities in sustainable, cost-effective prevention partnerships. This includes the options of free prevention resources and increased participation from the community.

Lessons include:

  • Review of national issues affecting fire prevention and risk reduction in multicultural communities
  • Community partnership mapping
  • Leading a fire prevention culture
  • Increasing cultural understanding
  • Marketing prevention to the community
  • Conducting leader-to-leader meetings with multicultural communities
  • Step-by-step case studies
  • Completing a department fire prevention report card

The three-hour training program is available in eight 15-20 minute segments. The learning management system allows fire and emergency services to adapt the course to busy firefighter schedules. It can be taken in one session or broken into several shorter sessions. Learners who complete the training will receive a continuing education certificate.

Take the Training Courses

For additional information, contact Fire 20/20.

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Picture of Michael Monroe

Michael Monroe

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