Some Neat Tricks for Those That Upgrade to iOS 7

Now that iOS 7 is being rapidly implemented as the “go-to” operating system for Apple iPhones and other iOS devices, it’s time to talk about some of the neat things you can do with iOS7. These tips are of particular interest to those who were previously using an older version of the OS. Essentially, we’re talking about new tricks for old dogs – um, phones.

1. Camera: shoot photos in burst mode

The newly redesigned Camera app has a clever trick up its sleeve: if you want to shoot in burst mode, taking multiple shots in quick succession, just click and hold the volume-up button. Blam – rapid fire photos – and iOS will tell you which image is “best.”

2. Multitasking: quit multiple apps when you don’t need them

Quitting apps is not new. You might not have tried it with multiple fingers to force-quit more than one app at a time. And now, you just swipe up and the app is closed. Bye!

3. Notifications: See ya Later!

Now, when you receive a notification, you can still swipe right to open the appropriate app, but you can also broom it away by swiping up to hide it.

4. The “all new” control panel

The new control panel is pretty neat. Need a flashlight – it’s in the control panel. Just swipe up from the bottom of the screen and you’re in business. The same thing for the timer, calculator, and camera. You can play music, set airplane mode and more… no need to tap and tap any longer.

5. Phone, FaceTime and Messages: block contacts

Does someone have your number and you wish they didn’t? Successfully avoid exes, creditors and the angry husbands and wives of your lovers with iOS 7’s excellent blocking features. Add the number to your Contacts, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap Block This Caller to refuse incoming calls, messages (including SMS and MMS) and FaceTime calls.

6. Messages: see the timestamps

iOS 7 likes to keep things nice and minimalist, but if key information isn’t visible there’s a good chance it’s just a swipe away – so for example in Messages, you won’t see timestamps against each SMS, MMS or iMessage. Want to know when they were sent? Swipe left.

7. Apps: swipe backwards

This little tip is a handy time-saver: when you’re finished reading an email or message, or fiddling with Settings, or exploring a Music playlist, swipe backwards to return to the previous page. If you’re at the first level (such as your list of mailboxes in Mail, or the first Settings screen) nothing will happen.

8. Location Services: see where you’ve been

iOS 7 keeps an eye on where you go to help it personalise features such as the Notification Center, and to help improve the accuracy of Maps. If you fancy a look you’ll find it in Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Frequent Locations. You’ll see a list and a map, with blue circles showing where you’ve been and when. You can clear the history from this page, and if you think it’s a little creepy you can turn it off from the System Services page.

9. Newsstand: put it away!

We like Newsstand, but we don’t like the way it can’t be stuck in a folder like Apple’s other stock apps. Hallelujah for iOS 7, then, because at last that absurd restriction has been removed.

10 . Settings: make iOS 7 easier on the eye

We like the new interface, but it isn’t for everyone. If you have problems with your sight or just want to make iOS more legible, you’ll find some useful settings in Settings > General > Accessibility. You can make all system text bold, increase the size of text in apps that support Apple’s Dynamic Type, scale down motion effects such as the parallax effect or invert the colours to make iOS 7 look like a 1980s electro-pop album cover.

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Picture of Michael Monroe

Michael Monroe

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