Improving Station Routines…

FireJournal helps with routine station activities

Some of the questions we get regarding FireJournal involve the act of writing journal entries. “Can I ditch my hand-written journal for yours?” is a common question. We’re on the case, believe me! At the same time, our team tends to look at the overall needs of first responders, and FireJournal is about all kinds of work, including what goes on in your station.

The issues of journaling are a bit of a challenge. Some departments require handwritten journal entries so there can be no modification or alteration of the facts surrounding the incident being reported on. Other departments don’t even keep a formal journal. They often let their fire officers fill out an NFIRS report and call it a day.

As such, we’re looking at how to best deliver a journaling system that is usable by the vast majority of fire agencies, ranging from a small volunteer department to a large metro fire and rescue agency. We’re eager for your feedback as well, so please keep sending email to us.

Meanwhile, as we work on developing the next big release of FireJournal, we’re looking at the things that do impact every fire company – hiring, apparatus checks, training, shopping for food, personnel issues, and more. When you get to work in the morning, how many things do you do with a pen or pencil? That’s what we’re looking at. And, it’s looking pretty cool!

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Picture of Michael Monroe

Michael Monroe

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